Are you an agent that works in both North Dakota and Minnesota? Depending on your state of residence, North Dakota and Minnesota have an agreement to allow you to practice real estate in both states!
ND Real Estate Commission Rules on Reciprocity
North Dakota Resident Agent Rules and How to Apply
Reciprocal Salesperson
The North Dakota Real Estate Commission has reciprocal agreements with the following states: Georgia, Iowa, and Minnesota.
IMPORTANT: To receive a reciprocal North Dakota salesperson license, your current broker and firm in your state of residence must first have ND reciprocal licenses. We Do
To receive a reciprocal North Dakota salesperson's license, you must be a resident of, and have an active salesperson license in, your state of residence. Individual states may have additional requirements.
The licensing examination is waived under the reciprocal agreement. The application fee for a reciprocal North Dakota salesperson's license is $150 with an $8 credit report fee.
Submit to the ND Real Estate Commission;
-- A completed application for a reciprocal salesperson license,
-- The license fee,
-- The credit report fee (can be submitted with one check) and current (not more than 30 days old)
-- The original Certificates of Licensure from any state in which you currently have or have had a real estate license.
-- All applicants must also complete and submit the Criminal History Record Check Request form (SFN 60688) with their application.
Criminal background check:
Each licensee applying for a reciprocal real estate salesperson license must complete and submit the Criminal History Record Check Request form (SFN 60688) with their application.
After a Salesperson License Application, fees, and the Criminal History Record Check Request has been received by the NDREC office, a Fingerprinting Kit will be mailed to you, including:
(2) Fingerprint cards
Tamperproof seal
Upon getting fingerprinted you will need to mail the following back to the NDREC office:
Completed Fingerprinting cards.
Check or Money Order for $41.25 made out to the ND Attorney General.
The RE Commission will not issue your reciprocal license until proof of errors and omissions insurance has been provided to our office. We will provide you with a copy
Criminal History Record Check Request
(This is a fillable form. Please only complete the "To Be Completed by Subject of Record Check" section through the bottom of the page. Then print off and sign. Return with Salesperson Application.)
Reciprocal Salesperson License Application
(The Criminal History Check Request form is also required to be completed and submitted with this application)
Application to Issue Real Estate License
Recovery Fund